Starter pack 1 – Metal and Plastic, DPM, All conditions         (Budget Price $19000.00 +gst)

We have designed this starter pack for applications requiring a direct mark on the part that will be used in an outside environment that may be exposed to dust, dirt wind and rain. It includes the laser marking machine, & 2 suitable scanners as well as a fixture to locate the part within the laser

Prior to shipping out the pack we set it up with the program to suit you, sample data and run some test data to make sure you are ready to go as soon as your equipment arrives. We’ll even make sure the labels it Produces are project I- TRACE compliant.

UBI Laser marking machine

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Low volumes
Are you just starting out or have low volumes at the moment?
Why not have us laser your parts+ for you for now. All you need to do is send us an excel spread sheet with all you data and we’ll do the rest. We will even make sure your labels are project I-TRACE compliant.
The budget price on us marking your parts for you is $1.95 +gst each. (no set up or other hidden costs) 

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